XWindow: How to find my window PID… (command line arguments/working directory)?

Summary: To find the PID of a running UNIX/XWindow process: $ xprop _NET_WM_PID If that fails: $ ps -ww -fp <PID> $ pwdx <PID> Detailed explanation: So How can you find the PID (not Window ID!) of a running UNIX/XWindow process? Method 1 (simple): $ xprop _NET_WM_PID … and then click on window of interest […]

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Adding actions to Thunar’s “Send to” context menu (xfce)

Using Kdiff3 tool as example action to add to the SendTo menu of Thunar. Create the following file in ~/.local/share/Thunar/sendto and name it <whatever>.desktop (I named mine ‘kdiff3.desktop’) : # kdiff3.desktop – Integrate kdiff3 into # the “Send To” menu. [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 TryExec=kdiff3 Exec=kdiff3 %F Icon=kdiff3 Name=Kdiff3 # MimeType=text/plain;   The MimeType […]

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