Short answer: .git/config in your active git repository; ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git; /etc/gitconfig More detailed answer can be found in the git man page:
Short answer: .git/config in your active git repository; ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git; /etc/gitconfig More detailed answer can be found in the git man page:
Problem: A site contains data which is of interest to us. The data is uniformly structured and available for examination by the general public (i.e. no login required) but is not automatically accessible, i.e. viewing it requires repetitive user interaction (such as setting a date range, clicking a ‘submit’ button, etc). In addition, usually the […]
How can we map the enum values to strings in the C programing language? Often times you need to display a C enum as a string, most often when debugging or handling error conditions. Typical techiques involve usually: a) defining an array of strings (the strings being the enum names of course, and the string […]
There’s tons of advice on the web on how to setup a new local branch that tracks and existing remote branch. But what I was looking to do is create a brand new branch (i.e. not yet present neither on hte server nor on your workstation) and have it be a tracking branch. After lots […]