On newer distributions you can easily change your terminal prompt, (which is controlled by the PS1 environment variable, btw) by adding a file with the prompt format string to the /etc/profile.d directory. You may name the file whatever you like, e.g. set-prompt.sh, but make sure that inside it there is a line that sets PS1 […]
Linux clock shows invalid time (UTC vs Localtime problem)
In a Linux multi-boot system it often happens that one distro shows correct system time and another does not. The problem is in how the startup scripts interpret the hardware (BIOS) clock when setting the OS time (the so called System Clock). If you want to learn more about this (and fix this problem PROPERLY!) […]
How do I add/remove/edit items in my WindowMaker menu?
The wmaker menu (the list which appears when you right-click on the desktop) is stored as a text file in ~/GNUstep/Default/WMRootMenu. Edit it with your favoruite editor to add new menu items to your Window Maker menu.
Installing xdotool from source (missing XTest and other dependencies)
If you don’t know what xdotool is then this post is not for you… Although many distros come with a packaged xdotool it is usually pretty old version (e.g. the one that comes wiht FC15 does not have the selectwindow command!) so you will most likely want to get the source tarball and install that. […]
Setting up Android development environment on a Linux host
Using a PC with FC-15 Linux… Install eclipse. Follow all steps on the android development web page to install the Adroid SDK and ADT plugin for eclipse. If you ever need access to Android’s sources you will need git and a tool named ‘repo’ written by google, which works on top of git. The tool […]
Desktop points to user’s home folder (~) in Fedora
Usually this problem means that the var XDG_DESKTOP_DIR got somehow set to $HOME instead of “$HOME/Desktop”… FIX: Edit the file ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and fix it: XDG_DESKTOP_DIR=”$HOME/Desktop” … typically this file should look like this: XDG_DESKTOP_DIR=”$HOME/Desktop” XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=”$HOME/Download” XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR=”$HOME/Templates” XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR=”$HOME/Public” XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR=”$HOME/Documents” XDG_MUSIC_DIR=”$HOME/Music” XDG_PICTURES_DIR=”$HOME/Pictures” XDG_VIDEOS_DIR=”$HOME/Videos”
How to write an ISO image with XCDRoast…
It may sound like a dumb question, since X-CD-Roast is a GUI tool for writing files and images, but it’s logic is so user-unfriendly and unnatural that in reality it’s not at all simple to create a CD or DVD from ISO using this app. Ok, so how do you write an ISO image with […]
Checking ‘dynamic’ conditions in Makefile’s
How can you test ‘dynamic’ conditions in a gnu Makefile? The net is full of GNU-Makefile advise explaining how to define variables and then later use them at compile time to run different commands or different targets. This is all very useful but often time you want to run a command and test it’s result […]
How to create a brand new git tracking branch (from scratch)?
There’s tons of advice on the web on how to setup a new local branch that tracks and existing remote branch. But what I was looking to do is create a brand new branch (i.e. not yet present neither on hte server nor on your workstation) and have it be a tracking branch. After lots […]
Creating and Accessing a VirtualBox shared folder.
To use a Shared Folder on your virtual machine: 1. Use the VirtualBox GUI to add a folder, located on your host (“real”) computer to the list. This will be the folder that you want to use for sharing and which will be visible on your “guest” machine. The Shared Folders are available from the […]