I guess ultimately the question is what NOT to take into your code versioning system… This is the contents of my .gitignore file… there may be other things which need to be ignored but that’s what I use: Backup/ Debug/ Release/ bin/ obj/ _UpgradeReport_Files/ CodeAnalyst/ *.csproj* *.user *.suo *.ncb *.dll *.exe *.pdb ipch/ *.sdf *.opensdf […]
How to install drupal in a sub-directory
I tried to install a drupal site in a sub-directory of a domain and I ran into some problems. I will explain here how I solved them. Many forum topics and issues on drupal.org and elsewhere on the web discuss how to install drupal in a sub-directory of your domain and to have it appear […]
How to setup Samba
Best Samba how-to I’ve ever seen: http://alien.slackbook.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=slackware:samba It is somewhat slackware-centric but could easily use it on Fedora and was able to setup a shared folder and access it from Windows in no-time. NOTE: If after doing everything your windows machine STILL can not see/access/login-into your samba server do a “service smb restart”.
WordPress Quick Tips: background color, special chars
To set special attributes of a paragraph e.g. the background, font typeface, color and size, etc enclose your paragraph in a <div> tag, e.g.: <div style=”background-color:black;color:red;font-size:0.75em;font-family:Courier”> Your paragraph goes here. It will use a Courier font, 75% of the normal size, and the text will be red on a black background…</div> Using the above settings […]
GDB – how to step into uClibc if you have .debug files
1. Make sure your debuginfo files are part of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To do this, either a) add the path where you stored the .debug files to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, e.g.: $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sh4_uclibc/target/usr/lib/debug:/opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sh4_uclibc/bin/../lib:/opt/STM/STMCR1.5.0/lib:/opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sh4_uclibc/bin/../../../host/stmc/lib Then restart gdb. OR b) start gdb and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH from within gdb: (gdb) set env LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sh4_uclibc/target/usr/lib/debug:/opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sh4_uclibc/bin/../lib:/opt/STM/STMCR1.5.0/lib:/opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sh4_uclibc/bin/../../../host/stmc/lib In my case […]
Error in PREUN scriptlet … file was supposed to be removed but is not
Sometimes a yum/RPM package would get “stuck” and just won’t go away. Actually usually the package is already gone but yum/rpm fails to update it’s internal DB and still thinks it is there. The error one usually sees in such cases is something like: Error in PREUN scriptlet in rpm package stlinux23-sh4_uclibc-which stlinux23-sh4_uclibc-which-2.16-5.sh4_uclibc was supposed […]
Problems with a buildroot root filesystem (no initial console, libgcc_s, etc)
Making an embedded system boot up properly can be quite a hurdle sometimes. Among the various problems you might encounter, those related to your root filesystem are some of the most common ones I have seen and among those a very frequent problem is not being akle to acquire an initial console/terminal. These boot problems […]
Creating an Android app which uses a provider library
1. Get the library jar from your phone, using the ADB (Android Debugger Bridge). It will be in /system/framework somewhere. In my case it was the file fmreceiverif.jar. 2. Unpack the jar and get the classes.dex file. 3. Use dex2jar to convert this file to a jar file, i.e. convert the Dalvik VM code into […]
WordPress <code> does not keep code indent’s – use <pre>
Yup. Silly as it may sound the <code> tags in WordPress are pretty much useless when you want to paste a code snippet and not have it look like a poem written by crazy robot… 🙂 Use the <pre> .. </pre> tags instead. Here’s an example. Code formatted with ‘<code>’: while( 1 ) { tmeasure_t0( […]
Convert UNIX time_t into a date/time text string
Often times, when working with the standard Linux/UNIX time format (time_t) one needs to quickly find out what is the “human readable” date and time text string a particular time_t value corresponds to. NOTE: The ‘C’ time_t type is the number of seconds elapsed since the “epoch”, the epoch being January 1st 1970 at 00:00:00. […]