On Linux: git config core.autocrlf input On Windows: git config core.autocrlf true
How to configure OpenSSH on Windows 7
I needed a simple ssh client for windows. Here’s what I did when installing OpenSSH, this worked for me, so hopefully will work for your install of ssh as well 🙂 Get OpenSSH for windows from sourceforge.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sshwindows/files/OpenSSH%20for%20Windows%20-%20Release/) Run the installer, accept defaults of set the options to your liking. Now SSH is installed but […]
Howto remove/enable/disable/use a yum or RPM repo
The yum repos are described in files which are stored in /etc/yum.repos.d/ . So if you want to remove a yum repo you just gotta go to that dir and remove the file in question. It’s more or less obvious why one would want to add a new repo (to get stuff from it!) but […]
OpenOffice: Using cell references in COUNTIF, SUMIF…
This is quite useful… putting it here coz I keep forgetting the syntax 🙂 To use another cell as part of your comparison criteria in Open Office Calc functions like COUNTIF or SUMIF: =COUNTIF(A1:A10; “<“&B1) THe above will count how many values in the range A1..A10 are less than the value contained in B1. So […]
gitk key shortcut for next file and previous file
Setting emacs styles for different file types/extensions
Sometimes you want to open in Emacs a source code file, and you want to see it formatted nicely (e.g. as you would see a .c or .java file) but the file has some totally different file extension. In my example I wanted to view a MQL file (specialized programming language for trading), whose syntax […]
Linux CD/DVD Burning sofvtware
An excellent page describing good linux software for burning CDs/DVDs, creating images, etc: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/03/9-good-cd-and-dvd-burning-tools-for.html Xfburn – XFCE for Linux K3B – KDE Burning Tool GnomeBaker – GNOME Burning Tool …
Excessive CPU usage by udisks-daemon, update-notifier, dbus-daemon, gdu-notification-daemon…
Fixing wrong Shift+Numpad (keypad) behaviour in Emacs
I struggled for a about an hour today with S-kp-home trying to bind it to something that would work properly in emacs (i.e select the text between cursor and start of line) before I figured out that although the problem manifested itself in Emacs, it is really due to the way Xwindows maps the Shift+Home/End… […]
How to convert UNIX datetime value to date/time string in OpenOffice Calc or Excel
To convert a UNIX datetime value to date/time string in OpenOffice Calc or Excel use this formula (assumes your datetime stamp is in the A1 cell of the current spreadsheet): =A1/86400+DATEVALUE(“1/1/1970”) If you want to test the above you may use the following simple C program: ======= #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> […]