find ~ -type f -name “.*” FIND the hidden files in your home directory (~) find . -name *~ -type f -delete Delete all files ending in ~ find . -name *.svn -type d -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/rm -rf Delete all .svn files under current dir find . -name *.c -perm /u+x -type f […]
How to check my drupal version (without logging in)

Assuming we all know how to check the drupal version if your site is online and you know the admin password… (Administer > Logs > Status Report) But what do you do when you only got a zipped backup of your drupal site or the site is offline or you don’t have the admin password […]
RPM/yum : List (installed) packages versions (and grep ‘OR’)

Here’s how to list all packages whose names start with ‘nss’ yum info -v nss* | grep -v Committer | grep -w ‘Name\|Version\|Release\|Description\|Repo’ Here’s how to list all INSTALLED packages whose names start with ‘nss’ yum info -v nss* | grep -A12 -B5 -w ‘installed’ | grep -v Committer | grep -w ‘Name\|Version\|Release\|Description\|Repo\|installed’ And since […]
How to reset drupal password

Recovering lost user (admin) password [ src: ] Drupal 6 UPDATE users SET pass = MD5(‘givememypasswordback’) WHERE uid=1; Drupal 7 php ./scripts/ newpwd The script will output a password hash that is valid for the site, something like: $S$CTo9G7Lx28rzCfpn4WB2hUlknDKv6QTqHaf82WLbhPT2K5TzKzML Use it in a SQL query to set new passwd: UPDATE users SET pass =’$S$CTo9G7Lx28rzCfpn4WB2hUlknDKv6QTqHaf82WLbhPT2K5TzKzML’ […]
Cool games
.. not necessarily playable on Linux.. just cool 🙂 Chivalry – Medieval War Of The Vikings and War Of The Roses – Medieval Naval Action – Napoleonic Wars War Thunder – WWII Red Orchestra – WWII Mech Warrior Online – Futuristic
Installing a python package dependency…

DON’T: yum install python-somePackage .. or apt-get install python-somePackage DO: pip-python install somePackage
Installing a certificate in Linux/Firefox using a smart card reader
You will need the following installed and started: libccid opensc pcsc-tools – can do without this but it has nice troubleshooting tools in case you get stuck pcscd – this is a daemon, make sure your distro enables it after installation. It must be running in order for the libccid to be able to communicate […]
How to edit the XFCE “Start” menu

Find the files in ~/.local/share/applications OR Download and install lxmed. However lxmed was not designed originally for the XFCE menu and so it does not see some of the menu entries and generally speaking does not always work. … and why the otherwise awesome XFCE has no standard menu editor out of the box — […]
grub2 make Windows the default boot option
1. Examine /boot/grub/grub.cfg to find out the boot order of your multiboot system or just remember the order of your boot options as they appear during boot.l Count which one is windows (counting is 0-based, i.e. the default boot option is 0, next one is 1, etc). 2. Edit /etc/default/grub. You need to be logged […]
How to recover your localhost mysql / phpMyAdmin root password

Recovering your phpMyAdmin/mysql lost root login password How do you reset your mysqld and phpAdminPassword? First we need to change the mysql root password (or set to empty if we want to allow a passwordless login). After that we will setup phpMyAdmin to use this mysql login. 1. On newer Linuxes, e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS […]