Best article on the net on the topic of installing codecs in Fedora (includes rpmfusion repo setup)! 🙂 How to install multimedia codecs on Fedora 22/23
Author: ench0
XWindow: How to find my window PID… (command line arguments/working directory)?
Summary: To find the PID of a running UNIX/XWindow process: $ xprop _NET_WM_PID If that fails: $ ps -ww -fp <PID> $ pwdx <PID> Detailed explanation: So How can you find the PID (not Window ID!) of a running UNIX/XWindow process? Method 1 (simple): $ xprop _NET_WM_PID … and then click on window of interest […]
Where is git config file?
Short answer: .git/config in your active git repository; ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git; /etc/gitconfig More detailed answer can be found in the git man page:
The ‘ls’ command – how to show seconds?
Being able to see seconds in the UNIX ‘ls’ command is particularly useful for comparing/viewing recently created files, because by default ‘ls -l’ will simply show “Today” in the date/time field for such files. Here’s how you can make ‘ls’ show also the seconds (and not only seconds but also microseconds, for that matter… oh […]
Adding actions to Thunar’s “Send to” context menu (xfce)
Using Kdiff3 tool as example action to add to the SendTo menu of Thunar. Create the following file in ~/.local/share/Thunar/sendto and name it <whatever>.desktop (I named mine ‘kdiff3.desktop’) : # kdiff3.desktop – Integrate kdiff3 into # the “Send To” menu. [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 TryExec=kdiff3 Exec=kdiff3 %F Icon=kdiff3 Name=Kdiff3 # MimeType=text/plain; The MimeType […]
“WordPress password reset doesn’t work”
There’s various articles and tutorials on the web explaining how to reset your WordPress password using different methods (email, ftp, emergency scripts, mysql, phpmydamin). Unfortunately a large portion of them, particularly the ones using mysql and phpmyadmin to reset the wordpress password will not work. Or rather – they will work but there is a […]
How to check speed of USB port and/or external device on Linux
So you got this brand new (or hopelessly old.. does not really matter for the purposes of this exercise, hehe) computer… It’s got some USB ports, but who knows what they are (USB 3.0? 2.0? 1.0?) ? How can you check what kind of USB ports does your Linux box have? Alternatively – how can […]
Java on Linux: How to install and enable Oracle’s Java instead of OpenJDK
Many of the major Linux distributions come bundled with OpenJDK Java instead of the “standard” Sun Java or — since Sun Microsystems acquisition by Oracle in 2010 — Oracle Java. One such distro is Fedora, for example. Open JDK is ok in most cases but there are situations where you need to install the “real” […]
Using curl and POST requests to automate data retrieval from a website
Problem: A site contains data which is of interest to us. The data is uniformly structured and available for examination by the general public (i.e. no login required) but is not automatically accessible, i.e. viewing it requires repetitive user interaction (such as setting a date range, clicking a ‘submit’ button, etc). In addition, usually the […]
drush: install specific version
… don’t know what drupal and drush are? Then this post is probably not for you… Let’s face it – drush is a bitch to install. But we want it. So we have to. And install it we will! Even though there appears to be extensive info on the topic on drush’s website, installing it […]